One Another Community

Social Kindness Platform


Problem Statement:

Users of the One Another platform need a simple and efficient way to reach out to members of their communities to request or offer help with daily tasks.


The recommended solution was redesigning the user interface and underlying information architecture to improve usability, alongside refining the copy and visual style to develop and create a more approachable platform.


  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • UI Design


  • Chanelle Nasser


Understanding user experiences on One Another Community

After identifying some usability issues with the platform, I decided to conduct usability testing. I undertook the testing with five participants, following the 'talk-aloud' approach to understand their experiences completing a series of tasks on the application. These tests were conducted remotely through video meetings which we recorded to analyse and evaluate the issues by severity.

Usability Testing Findings

The recordings were analysed and findings from this user research were tabled, categorised and tagged by severity. From the user testing we discovered three key findings to explore in the redesign.


Information Architecture Update

The user research findings indicated that users struggled to navigate to certain features within the application due to the applications information architecture. I examined the user flows to simplify the information architecture. This was achieved by minimising the steps required for users to access the functionality within the application.

Previous Information Architecture

Updated Information Architecture


User Interface Redesign

I redesigned the user interface to bring the key functionality to the dashboard. This included providing more visuality to the user about the actions that can be undertaken in the platform whilst maintaining a primary focus on offers and requests for help.

Previous User Interface

Adding Personality

Based on feedback from the user testing, suggesting that the application feels a little bland, I noticed a huge opportunity to add illustrations into the applications design. This aims to provide a more friendly tone to the platform and put users at ease making them feel comfortable offering or requesting help.

Softening the Edges

By refining the design of the cards, buttons and visual identity the application feels softer and more inviting. This was continued by adding soft colours to give a gentle highlight to key distinct elements of the application. This mood was echoed in other design elements by increasing the corner radius of the applications user interface to allow for more rounded elements.

Updated User Interface

Updated User Interface

Updated User Interface

Results & Next Steps


The updated user interface was implemented by the development team before the application was relaunched with iOS and Android native applications. Upon relaunch, the application saw a 50% increase in users over the first month.

Next steps

Further user testing should be conducted to analyse the user flows to validate the designs and provide recommendations for future iterations.

The micro-copy and labels on the application, especially surrounding the 'offers to help' and 'offers of help' should also be validated in focus groups to ensure all functionality is easy to navigate and understand.